Great Indian Sports

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Friday, September 19, 2008

Doping Indian Sport

After the much-telecast fiasco on television of you not being able to recognize badminton coach and former player Pulella Gopichand, I was prompted to write this missive to you.
Laishram Monika in tearsI am glad that you have recognized Monika Devi. It was graceful of you to meet Ms. Monika Devi, but all this enquiry business is a big sham. No enquiry in this country has yielded results and this one too is not expected to bring out anything more dramatic than what the people know and what you know. All the officials of the National Dope Laboratory of India, Sports Authority of India and the Indian Olympic Association should be shown the door as you did to Indian Hockey Federation chief, KPS Gill. The lab should be sealed for playing with careers of sportspersons and being so easily vulnerable to manipulation. Sometime ago, not very long ago, this lady, Laishram Monika Devi, was unceremoniously removed from the aircraft to Beijing for having "failed a doping test", which according to the Indian Olympic Association chief, Suresh Kalmadi, "was a great relief to save the honour of the country". Was the Indian Olympic Association not aware that the tests have been carried out in the SAI lab which has no accreditation from WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency)? Why were the results of the tests which were conducted in June, released in August, at the eleventh hour? Why were the results of the so called test communicated to her barely 30 minutes before her departure? Sadly, the honour of the country could not be saved for more than 24 hours. It was realized soon after that the test itself was doped by the authorities in the same shameful way that they have been doping and duping sports for the last few decades.


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